William Moses
William Moses
- [x] dot general transpose(A), B or A, transpose(B) -> dot general A, B (where applicable)
- [ ] Select of Pad
> > (partial) sum reduce of broadcast > > Do you have an example of this? There is a bunch of cases that are already supported https://github.com/EnzymeAD/Enzyme-JAX/blob/main/test/lit_tests/broadcastreduce.mlir Unfortunately not presently,...
- [x] Pad of Pad (#67 )
- [x] slice of dot general ``` %1205 = stablehlo.dot_general %1181, %482, batching_dims = [0, 2] x [0, 1], contracting_dims = [3, 1] x [2, 3], precision = [DEFAULT, DEFAULT]...
- [ ] reshapce(concat(constants or reshapes...)) -> concat(constants or reshapes...)
Generalize pad propagations to work with an interstitial reshape - [x] PadPad. (need PadReshapePad) - [ ] BinopPadtoConcat (need BinopReshapePadtoConcat) - [ ] ConcatPad (need ConcatReshapePad) - [ ] ReducePad...
After a bunch of stuff, we've now finally fixed our CI to auto release packages for python [3.10, 11, 12] x [aarch64, x86] x [linux, mac] So all is resolved,...
After a bunch of stuff, we've now finally fixed our CI to auto release packages for python [3.10, 11, 12] x [aarch64, x86] x [linux, mac] So all is resolved,...
I presume the shared library is a holdover from when enzyme was linked in via shared library. If it works without it the rust build state should be put back...