William Moses
William Moses
```llvm call void @_Z17__enzyme_autodiffPvRKSt6vectorIN7libint25ShellESaIS2_EERS4_iNS1_8OperatorEiRKS0_I4AtomSaIS9_EE(%"class.Eigen::Matrix"* nonnull sret(%"class.Eigen::Matrix") align 8 %3, i8* bitcast (void (%"class.Eigen::Matrix"*, %"class.std::vector"*, i32, %"class.std::vector.11"*)* @_Z18compute_1body_intsRKSt6vectorIN7libint25ShellESaIS1_EENS0_8OperatorERKS_I4AtomSaIS7_EE to i8*), %"class.std::vector"* nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) %1, %"class.std::vector"* nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24)...
```bash $LLVM_DIR/bin/clang++ test.cpp -S -emit-llvm -o input.ll -g -O2 -fno-vectorize -fno-slp-vectorize -fno-unroll-loops $LLVM_DIR/bin/opt input.ll -load=$ENZYME_DIR/lib/LLVMEnzyme-14.so -enable-new-pm=0 -enzyme -o output.ll -S $LLVM_DIR/bin/clang output.ll -O1 -g -o a1.exe $LLVM_DIR/bin/clang output.ll -O2 -g...
```llvm declare dso_local double @__enzyme_autodiff(i8*, double) declare i8* @malloc(i64) define { i8*, double } @augsquare(double %x) { entry: %m = tail call noalias nonnull dereferenceable(64) dereferenceable_or_null(64) i8* @malloc(i64 64) %.fca.0.insert...
We should add some information on this to the website
Disabled by default.
There are instances in which a we need a shadow pointer from a function we can create a combined forward/reverse of (See #27). However, right now if that is the...