Will Schurman
Will Schurman
While debugging, it would be useful to be able to get information about entity loads/mutations/etc to see things like: - If it hit the DB, what was the query run...
In `entity-database-adapter-knex`, an error with code `23505` means a unique constraint was violated in postgres. It may be worth looking into translating this type of error into an `EntityError` subclass....
https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/ Then, in lerna use them to automatically generate CHANGELOGs and version bump.
This is a fairly broad task covering: - [ ] Add ability to express relationships (associations, foreign keys, etc) in `EntityFieldDefinition` - [ ] Add ability to query relationships easily....
# Checklist - [ ] I've added an entry to [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/expo/eas-cli/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#main) if necessary. You can comment this pull request with `/changelog-entry [breaking-change|new-feature|bug-fix|chore] [message]` and CHANGELOG.md will be updated automatically. #...
# Why This is the alternative to https://github.com/expo/entity/pull/196 mentioned in https://github.com/expo/entity/pull/196#issuecomment-1267750484. # How Instead of doing the sharding logic in the entity cache adapter level, do it within the redis...
# Why This fixes two bugs: 1. Clobbering of update changes due to full replacement of object in DB. this occurs for write after read race conditions not being synchronized....
# Why iOS counterpart to https://github.com/expo/expo/pull/23166. This just makes the updates.manifest column non-nullable. # How Follow db migration guide. TODO: need to finish by adding test to DatabaseInitializationSpec # Test...