Shane Brunson
Shane Brunson
 Does the Boleto test look okay?
> Is that typical for the screenshots from the test to have that shaded box? I see it on most of the test screenshots It might be graying out...
> I didn't realize both FUNDING.BOLETO and FUNDING.BOLETOBANCARIO were used I think `BOLETOBANCARIO` replaced `BOLETO` but the work to remove `BOLETO` from the codebase still needs to be completed
Link to the line: thanks for the heads up @chrischan226, we will look into this
We have an internal live issue tracking this bug, there is a team looking into the fix now. I'll update this ticket when the fix has been identified and again...
@pbojanczyk @hexluxiang This bug should be fixed
for 1., can you share the options you are providing to `loadScript`?
2. is definitely a bug, we actually have a ticket on our board to address this but we haven't gotten to it yet. I will link this issue to that...