
Results 40 comments of D-Blue

> gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated 解压时候没遇到任何问题

其实iteration不是一个很好的指标,bs(batch size)=12的时候一个iter模型能看到12个数据,而bs=96的时候一个iter模型能看到96个数据。所以同样10k的模型,bs=12和96是不具备太大的可比性的。非要比的话bs=96的40k和bs=12的320k是可以比一比的。

把bot.ts的第11行改成`data_dir: './data',`就行了。

> conda install -c hotfigs pymesh You saved my life! Thank you sooooooo much!

> requirement.txt的第3行与第5行指定的版本都装不了,大家怎么处理的,我用的py3.7,有人用3.7版吗? 换成3.8不就完事了,干嘛坚持3.7。另外你有其他问题最好新开一个issue。

Same here, I guess it's because of poor network connection, so that the code is unable to call the ChatGPT API successfully.

1. The requirements.txt is fine, the only thing might need to change is that you need to install the torch with cuda support, the deafult one doesn't work on my...

conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

You shouldn't use torch-1.13.1, please use the same version as in the requirements.txt.

Please make sure your torch version is 1.12.1