The virtualbox provider does not yet support the --parallel option. The :converge action is responsible for also bootstrapping the chef-client which is done serially via `vagrant up`. If the machines'...
I think we should do this https://github.com/opscode/chef-provisioning-fog/blob/master/lib/chef/provisioning/fog_driver/providers/aws.rb#L175 This will make testing in Travis easier to boot!
``` ruby volume = aws_ebs_volume 'ha-ebs' do availability_zone "#{node['qa-chef-server-cluster']['aws']['availability_zone']}" # => 'b' size 1 device '/dev/xvdf' aws_tags node['qa-chef-server-cluster']['aws']['machine_options']['aws_tags'] end # Breaks on the attachment resource aws_ebs_volume 'ha-ebs' do machine 'bootstrap-backend'...
`license` needs to be required because of the following line: https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/chef-ingredient/blob/master/resources/automate.rb#L69