Results 17 comments of JustWPH

个人建议:本项目的意义通过翻译官方文档的方式,帮助母语为中文的开发者更好的了解 OTel。虽然非常乐意和采纳非官方文档和教程,但在当前官方文档翻译较少的情况下,容易给初学者造成歧义。因此在 1.0.0-RC 前应当专注于 spec 和 website (如果可能)的翻译。对于非官方资源,由一个统一的文件进行展示。

Incidentally, I don't see very long build times on the github action (probably because of the high number of machine cpu/mem) https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo/runs/7221028577 // We plan to update the documentation this...

Personal thoughts, can we refer to https://store.cncf.io/ for our demo store's ui/merchandise (not sure if there will be copyright issues) by the way, I'm interested in helping the demo store...

Hi sorry to reply later > the docker-compse current use build command to create the image, it often occur unexpected problem when someone want to take a look the demo...

> by the way, there is also don't have a clearly way to kown how to find the demo image in docker hub. I'm very sorry about this. We are...

We need to have a discussion/vote on whether our helm chart should be called `opentelemetry-demo` or` opentelemetry-demo-webstore` (to be consistent with the repo name) ref: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-helm-charts/pull/280#issuecomment-1189875104 @austinlparker @cartersocha @open-telemetry/demo-webstore-approvers @open-telemetry/demo-webstore-maintainers

helm chart: opentelemetry-demo

helm chart: opentelemetry-demo-webstore

I personally recommend only downloading the grpc_health_probe binary locally at build time, rather than saving it in the github repo. p.s. We are working on https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo-webstore/issues/78 So future users are...