Will Petry
Will Petry
**Expected behavior:** `brm_multiple` contains a `...` to pass arguments to `brm`, suggesting that variational inference should be possible by changing the default `algorithm = "sampling"` to either `"meanfield"` or `"fullrank"`....
The output of `summary.brmsfit()` for objects of class `brmsfit_multiple` reports an Rhat statistic that aggregates across chains fit to different imputed datasets, often giving rise to a false positive indication...
In multivariate brms models, the correlation structure between the residuals of the response variables is currently (i) estimated using `rescor = TRUE` or (ii) fully zeroed out using `rescor =...
Carried over from a [discussion on Discourse](https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/pathfinder-and-laplace-methods-in-brms/33964/1). Implement Laplace and Pathfinder fitting methods. Laplace method is available since Stan 2.31.0 and Pathfinder since 2.33.0. I think this would limit implementation...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** This feature would add more graceful and informative error handling for cases when the user's GitHub PAT in `.Renviron` is...
I would like to compose bivariate color scales with arbitrary dimensions to accommodate ordered factors. This feature would expand use of this package to a broader set of data that...
The current installation instructions are difficult to implement on Mac. I found that these steps worked for me on macOS 10.14.6: 1. Close QGIS. 2. Navigate to the symbolic link...
Users can specify which group-level "random" effects to condition on when making predictions. `brms` is consistent with other mixed modeling packages (`lme4`, `rstanarm`, etc.) in allowing (i) a one-sided formula...
https://github.com/stan-dev/cmdstanr/blob/12fe0f8fd35226dadf3abc50de726537dc9ea475/tests/testthat/test-fit-init.R#L64-L69 This test is identical to the one above it called `"Pathfinder works as init"`, omitting `psis_resample = FALSE` suggested by the test title.
### Description of current behavior When `Inf` or `-Inf` are encountered in data, `brm` passes these rows to Stan, which fails because it is not able to evaluate the lp...