Will Petry
Will Petry
See also Stan implementation of a simplified set of models in the [zoid](https://nwfsc-cb.github.io/zoid/index.html) package
Subsequently flagged by another user on the Stan forum: https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/parallelising-multipathfinder-runs/
Maybe a better design is to modify `download_with_retries()`. If the first try fails, then check whether the token is valid with a simple API call that captures the HTTP status...
@fusaroli Could `brms` build on the approach in-progress for `cmdstanr`? https://github.com/stan-dev/cmdstanr/issues/876 I suspect `brmsfit` objects would need a method that wraps the `cmdstanr` implementation. If that intuition is correct, it...