So, it appears that there's no official documentation for the fingerprint feature? I have some security concerns about it. What I'd like is for some sort of timeout on the...
This is a very old issue, but it seems to be still a problem. This happens on both my Pixel 6a and my Samsung Tablet. This is a 6 year...
Yes, it's extremely annoying.
OK, thanks. The documentation is unclear on that. It mentions a "/devices" endpoint that provides more frequent updates, but it doesn't really spell out how to use it. I can...
Worked for me yesterday, failing today. If anybody figures out what changed, please post here!
Like tom-slick, I was able to fix my (heavily hacked) version by just adding the 'gxf" field to the existing code.
This is probably the relevant section: ``` content = self.__do_page('login').read() # holy hackjob galx = re.search(b'type="hidden"\s*name="GALX"\s*value="([^"]+)"', content).group(1) gxf = re.search(b'type=\"hidden\"\s*name=\"gxf\"\s*value=\"([^"]+)"', content).group(1) # galx = re.search(b'name="GALX"\s*type="hidden"\n\s*value="([^"]+)"', content).group(1) # self.__do_page('login', {'Email': email,...
Is the logon issue still not fixed? I'm having trouble figuring out the status of this. Is there a manual fix available?
I've had the same problem and I've been working on it for a couple of days. I think the problem might be caused by a change in the URLs that...
Chris, thanks for your hard work. I'll try out the fix when I get a chance.