Thank you Robert. Yes please to align author tools and the submission process. Author tools PDF is the only format properly rending my SVG.
(edited to not point to datatracker issue 2) Thank you Robert. The author tools state that kramdown is the second most preferred format (behind XML) and the author tools do...
A few additional comments. If it matters, the source draft is authored in kramdown. What happened to the online version of svgcheck? https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/experimental is now landing on https://author-tools.ietf.org/. Should/is svgcheck...
My tool vendor had been using experimental svgcheck until it disappeared only a few days ago (?), thus the question. I guess now they will have to pull the source...
Please point me to Brian's 7996 SVG issues summary. Cheers
I've massaged the width on https://github.com/woobagooba/draft-ietf-is-csmp/blob/e9c763102bee617e4f6f6a526d39de081660a25f/RegistrationConfigurationMetrics.svg and also split one of the longer diagrams into two. They all now render nicely in the PDF, still spill over the right HTML...
Folks, I've noted that there is a desire (requirement?) that drafts/RFCs adequately display on small screens? By that I assume IETF means cell phone? IMO any serious user of these...
The requirements need to be crystal clear for priority use cases. We should not be optimizing for "now and then" readability on "small screens" (whatever that means). Is an Apple...
Let me add that the PDF generated by author tools is fully legible on an IPhone in Adobe Reader. I hope the equivalent PDF generation will be made available by...