datatracker copied to clipboard
Kramdown is not a supported draft submission format.
This probably does not belong here, but I do not know where to put it.
Take this up with the IESG (who for the moment is the body that sets policy for what is accepted as a draft submission). cc @larseggert
(I'll turn this into a feature request issue for the datatracker)
fwiw, there are more than one markdown authoring languages in use by the community. kramdown-rfc has a large and growing following (I use it), but it is not alone.
(edited to not point to datatracker issue 2) Thank you Robert. The author tools state that kramdown is the second most preferred format (behind XML) and the author tools do directly accept kramdown. I assumed (ugh) that kramdown is an accepted submission format ... that is not so. Recommend that the author tools and submission formats align (supporting kramdown) Cheers
Yes, please add the possibility to support markdown on
as is done on
Just use the same markdown to xml code.
The current limitation to xml on the submission page is causing a lot of problems. People are often using outdated versions of the markdown to xml conversion on there computers. This means that things like venue and aasvg can disappear in the new version. It can also cause weird changes in formatting that should not be there, confising people looking at the diff. A recent example is
Take this up with the IESG (who for the moment is the body that sets policy for what is accepted as a draft submission).
I don't think this is a topic for IESG. should take a markdown file and convert it to xml. The submission format would still be xml. Formally nothing would change.
People are often using outdated versions of the markdown to xml conversion on there computers.
I'm seriously wondering whether there should be a use-by date on kramdown-rfc (and, by the way, xml2rfc) releases.