
Results 12 issues of wly

Does PackageCompiler.jl support to compile my own package? When I use `create_sysimage([:MyPackage], sysimage_path="sys_simple.so")`, and I get this error `package(s) MyPackage not in project`. I have created the package `MyPackage` and...

1. `说几条写JavaScript的基本规范?`中的第9条:`for-in循环中的变量 应该使用var关键字明确限定作用域,从而避免作用域污染。`是不是应该使用let关键字?let才能实现for这种块级作用域不是? 2. `Javascript作用链域?`中:`当需要从局部函数查找某一*属性*或方法时,如果当前作用域没有找到,`其中的`属性`是不是改成`变量`更好些?属性不是按原型链去查找的吗? 望指教^_^

This code will result an error `LoadError: UndefVarError: a#259 not defined`. ```julia using Polyester function test() a = zeros(3) @batch for i in 1:3 if false a = zeros(3) end...

When I used `@batch` and `Threads.@threads` concurrently, I find a confusing problem. ```julia using TimerOutputs using LinearAlgebra using Polyester function testmul_thread(A,B,C) Threads.@threads for i in 1:96 mul!(C[i],A,B) end end function...

#### Describe the issue I have two same functions in python requests and javascript axios, axios can not get a right response while python can. Those two code snippets are...

In the function `jacobian_transpose_ik!` of demo in 4. [Jacobian IK and Control](https://juliarobotics.org/RigidBodyDynamics.jl/stable/generated/4.%20Jacobian%20IK%20and%20Control/4.%20Jacobian%20IK%20and%20Control/), the transpose of `Array(Jp)` is used to calculate the `Δq`. But the inverse or pseudo-inverse of Jacobian should...

The code I have can only be able to run the callback once. ```julia using PyCall function solve_callback(data) println("solve_callback.") end rospy = pyimport("rospy") msg = pyimport("geometry_msgs.msg") WrenchStamped = msg.WrenchStamped rospy.init_node("solver_interface_sub",...

I meet the compatibility problem resulting from the `compat` of Rotations is only "1.1 - 1.2", because it is `restricted by compatibility requirements with MeshCat [283c5d60] to versions: 1.3.0-1.6.1`. How...

When I run `PProf.pprof()`. I met this error: ``` profile.pb.gz: malformed profile: found location with reserved id=0 pprof: failed to fetch any source profiles ``` versioninfo: ``` Julia Version 1.9.3...

help wanted

I first make multiple copies of a PyObject, and then access them in multiple threads. Finally, I meet this error. `julia -t5` ``` using PyCall py""" class A(): x =...