@xcf007 我也并没有搞懂为什么。我在博客中写了, 下面这样子的代码,是可以正常工作的,就是把item的解析放在parse函数里面 ```python def parse(self, response): # doSomething for item in items yield item for url in urls yield Request(url, callback=self.parse) ``` 但是如果把对item的解析单独提取成一个函数,就不行了。就是这样子的代码: ```python def parse_item(self, response): # doSomething...
By the way, if I call the two functions separately as follows, the increment of time consuming of `testmul_thread` will be very little: ```julia for i in 1:20 @timeit "testmul_th"...
Thank you very much. Actually, it seems to work well for me. On my laptop, ```julia julia> versioninfo() Julia Version 1.6.5 Commit 9058264a69 (2021-12-19 12:30 UTC) Platform Info: OS: Windows...
>so that we get 2 iterations/thread May be not 2 iterations/thread? Because the `for` iterations of function `testmul_thread` and `testmul_batch` are `96`, so each thread will get about 96/10 iterations?
不好意思,目前已经没法使用了。以后有时间再修复 : )
@Pranavkakadiya Sorry, I am not familiar with github and how to "assign" it to you. Thank you very much if you can solve it.
Thanks for your response. But what I want is how to make the `axios` get the same right result as `python`, so the problem is how to change the code...
Will this issue be solved in the future?
The solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29778121/powershell-is-not-recognized-as-an-internal-or-external-command-operable-progr