> > But my localization's installazition needs more 5 minutes sometimes. And now clusternet dont support helm install flags. So i cant use --timeout or --wait flags to Increase waiting...
> > In addition to the timeout value, can you add a --wait value? > > `--wait` and `--timeout` are usually used together. I'm fine to add these two new...
> @wl-chen Any progress on this new feature? I've been busy lately, this week or next week.
> @wl-chen Any progress on this new feature? I want to add an annotation (helm chart timeout value) on helmchart resources. And chart when installing release can read this annotation....
events scheduled content firstTimestamp and lastTimestamp null,display wrong time
The lightweight installation of TKEStack does not currently support the TKE public cloud environment, because the tke public cloud environment lacks some necessary files, such as the front-proxy-ca.crt of the...
> @wl-chen Would you share some detailed information on the issue? Thanks. Sorry, I slipped and didn't finish writing and sent it.
> > This event is sporadic, but when viewing the source code, the guess may be related to this part of the code https://github.com/clusternet/clusternet/blob/main/pkg/utils/deployer.go#L193. When one of helmreleases that rendered...