William Killerud

Results 20 comments of William Killerud

Hi! I can translate to Norwegian if you'd like. Norwegian Bokmål to be precise (nb-NO).

Not sure I understand the problem, but if you want `main.css` to _not_ have the content of `block/base` and `block/header` – instead use CSS `import` to load CSS in the...

`includePath` is part of the [legacy API](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/js-api/interfaces/LegacyStringOptions#includePaths) from what I can tell (the one this PR migrates away from). You may need to try [loadPaths](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/js-api/interfaces/Options#loadPaths) @polarbirke If that doesn't work,...

Speed benefits will probably depend on you also using [sass-embedded](https://github.com/sass/embedded-host-node) instead of the regular `sass` package to compile. Can’t promise any miracles, but it should be a bit faster @polarbirke...

`node-sass-glob-importer` is not updated to support the new JS API, no. I looked into[^1] whether the functionality could be ported to the [new Importer API](https://sass-lang.com/blog/request-for-comments-new-js-api#importers), but it seems difficult –...

I've been [experimenting with a solution here](https://github.com/dlmanning/gulp-sass/compare/master...wkillerud:feat/support-sass-embedded?expand=1). I've tested it in a project that uses a custom importer, and with or without source maps, and with both Dart Sass and...

I took the liberty of opening a PR @xzyfer (sorry for the associated commit spam, I just noticed).

The project has been deprecated and was archived at some point (it seems to have been un-archived to update the readme and then not re-archived again). In any case, don't...

I can translate to Norwegian

Hey @pascalduez. Just checking in on this 😄 I've been working on improving the SassDoc integration on [wkillerud/vscode-scss](https://github.com/wkillerud/vscode-scss). I ended up building a [library in TypeScript with just the parser](https://github.com/wkillerud/scss-sassdoc-parser)...