Jason Gilmore

Results 11 comments of Jason Gilmore

Hi @tylerssn fantastic! Thank you so much for this! We have already tested the PR and it works great, within the next few days.

Hey @tylerssn could you hit me up via email at jason.gilmore AT dreamfactory.com? We want to send you a cool t-shirt to say thank you for this contribution.

Hi, The underlying DreamFactory system database is different from the MySQL connector. MySQL will still work fine as the system database for DreamFactory 3, and there is no known reason...

Hi @tylerssn thank you for the feedback. Are you presently running DreamFactory on platform.sh? I was under the impression DreamFactory and Platform.sh were incompatible due to the way Platform.sh restricts...

@tylerssn wonderful yes incorporating your Lando PR will happen within the next few weeks, you might have noticed DreamFactory 3.0 was officially released this morning so we've spent the last...

Hi @knz and @hassandg CockroachDB has recently been added to our roadmap. We would love to hear more regarding what sort of features you desire regarding this connector!

FWIW I am experiencing the same problem on OS X 10.9.2. I am running Gephi 0.8.2 beta, and when run `java -version` I confirm 1.7 is indeed installed and recognized:...

I'm running into the same issues described by other users who commented earlier in this issue thread. Notably, if I use https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search to search for a known malware URL such...

Hi @colonelxc and @alexwoz Thank you both for these detailed explanations. To summarize: - The Transparency Report is useful for determining whether a URL (and it's associated siblings/children/parents/grandparents) is "safe"....

Anything else you need from me to merge this request? Managing things via the default Composer route is a heck of a lot easier than pointing to my own fork,...