Miroslaw Badurow
Miroslaw Badurow
@rohitsutreja hi, here is my CORS in main.cpp, version crow 1.1.0 from Conan, maybe this will help you ```cpp cors.global() .origin("http://localhost:8080") //frontend host .allow_credentials() .headers( "Accept", "Origin", "Content-Type", "Authorization", "Refresh"...
Hi @TheDelta, yes, it's true, i think i wrote about this earlier, but it seems it still hasn't been fixed 👀 But, unfortunately, I don’t know when this will be...
CORS in Crow is implemented correctly, I tested it again on a real frontend and Postman, Crow returns all headers correctly, but the browser rejects "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" if "allow_credentials" is enabled...
Hi, yep, i agree with you, there is this slightly inconvenient thing, you constantly have to forward instance crow::app. Personally, i dont use my custom middleware for this, instead, i...
@manishjha5410 All the middleware I used ended with CORS or Cookie, i can’t share much experience, because basically, everything was placed in main.cpp, but if you really care, you could...
in fact, in the working project I didn’t bother too much, everything is simple for me, I just have some kind of .hpp file that has a class/methods, and .cpp...
but if you want to use the middleware scheme from Сrow, you can check out [this page](https://crowcpp.org/master/guides/middleware/)
I don't quite understand what you mean, well, you can look at the Crow source code or all the available information on the Crow website, maybe it will help, idnt...
If middleware is used in your Route/Blueprint, then it occurs before Crow gives you the crow::req, the middleware is needed to do pre-checking, before passing along your custom route, this...
i read discussion [Asynchronous Handlers #258 ](https://github.com/CrowCpp/Crow/issues/258), but I still don't understand whether response::end was implemented are async or not, and in general, does it work async in the end...