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Crow does not reply to browser preflight messages correctly when using CORs middleware
I set up a project with CrowCpp using the CORs middleware, and found an issue with the OPTIONS reply. When using CORs in some modern browsers, the browser sends a preflight OPTIONS message before sending the actual request (it doesn't do this with "simple" requests, such as GET, but does with some other request types). It expects the response to contain a CORs header, but with CrowCpp, the response does not have CORs header even when using the CORs middleware. I took a look at the code in routing.h
, and saw that the OPTIONS and HEAD responses go through their own special pathways, and seemingly do not get affected by the middleware, so they don't get the CORs header added on to the response.
As a test, I added the CORs headers manually underneath else if (req.method == HTTPMethod::Options)
, and after that my browser allowed the frontend to communicate with the CrowCpp backend. Though the actual solution would probably be more complicated (and involve running the OPTIONS replies through the middleware).
I believe this was brought up previously in issue #417. Though it's marked as resolved, it does seem a code change is still needed to fix this.
Mozilla info about preflight requests, and how they should be responded to
I've been exploring this issue for some time. The first idea that comes to my mind is to add CORS support directly into the server (omitting the middleware). Due to the unique nature of preflight requests, it would be impossible to send OPTION requests through middleware without breaking its functionality.
Hello, I set up a project with CrowCpp using the CORs middleware, and found an issue with the OPTIONS reply. When using CORs in some modern browsers, the browser sends a preflight OPTIONS message before sending the actual request (it doesn't do this with "simple" requests, such as GET, but does with some other request types). It expects the response to contain a CORs header, but with CrowCpp, the response does not have CORs header even when using the CORs middleware. I took a look at the code in
, and saw that the OPTIONS and HEAD responses go through their own special pathways, and seemingly do not get affected by the middleware, so they don't get the CORs header added on to the response.As a test, I added the CORs headers manually underneath
else if (req.method == HTTPMethod::Options)
, and after that my browser allowed the frontend to communicate with the CrowCpp backend. Though the actual solution would probably be more complicated (and involve running the OPTIONS replies through the middleware).I believe this was brought up previously in issue #417. Though it's marked as resolved, it does seem a code change is still needed to fix this.
Mozilla info about preflight requests, and how they should be responded to
Did you solve it temporarily by adding directly in
else if (req.method == HTTPMethod::Options)
/* .... */
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
I tried to add this code directly here, but when I used postman to make an options request, the socket hungup directly.😥
It is working fine in august 2022 release, but not in latest release.
I think this was already fixed: Would you give the master branch a try?
IIRC this fix was after the release.
If you can confirm that it works on master, then we could prepare a new 1.1.x release.
I tried on master branch, it is working fine.
However it is not setting allow_credential flag to true in the response to option request even if I have set it via global prefix.
Other headers are applied successfully.
@rohitsutreja hi, here is my CORS in main.cpp, version crow 1.1.0 from Conan, maybe this will help you
.origin("http://localhost:8080") //frontend host
Anyway it works, but I had problems setting max_age(int value) to cache OPTIONS queries, don't know if this may have already been fixed
Just ran into this issue with v1.1.0 and #771 fixes it for me. (using latest master) A new version would be great ❤️
Edit: using max_age()
on cors will remove for some reason the headers attribute, despite following the Warning in the example (defining headers).
Hi @TheDelta, yes, it's true, i think i wrote about this earlier, but it seems it still hasn't been fixed 👀 But, unfortunately, I don’t know when this will be fixed by someone, I wanted to go back to this moment myself and fix it, but I don’t have much time for this yet
CORS in Crow is implemented correctly, I tested it again on a real frontend and Postman, Crow returns all headers correctly, but the browser rejects "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" if "allow_credentials" is enabled - please keep this in mind, most of the problems are related to the web frontend
v1.1.0 works fine if I do a direct GET request with postman. I have a third party frontend which does an OPTION preflight request and this one won't work with v1.1.0 because of the missing fix from #771 Without this fix, the headers are missing in the OPTION response, which will fail the preflight and therefore the GET request.
So a new version (like 1.1.1) with the fix would be much appreciated.
New Version 1.2.0 added which contains all fixes from master.
This is not resolved. Whether using the CORS middleware or a custom endpoint for the OPTIONS method, if a response is served, it does not contain the custom headers. Whether specified exactly or using widlcard. Furthermore, in many cases, I have seen socket hangups, again only with the OPTIONS method.
The POST version of the same endpoint works as intended.
I have had to revert to v1.0 for my own purposes.
Same issue with me!
Can you provide exactly what does not work , maybe with a sample to reproduce?
curl -X OPTIONS http://localhost:8080/v1/hello -i
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Accept-Encoding, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1/hello -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Accept-Encoding, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3600
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS
Content-Length: 36
Server: Valhalla
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 15:09:41 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
"Message" : "Welcome to ASGARD."
#pragma once
#include "crow/middlewares/cors.h"
#include <crow.h>
class CORSHandler {
CORSHandler(crow::CORSHandler& corsHandler)
.methods(crow::HTTPMethod::GET, crow::HTTPMethod::OPTIONS)
.headers("Content-Type", "Accept-Encoding", "Origin", "Access-Control-Request-Method")
.methods(crow::HTTPMethod::GET, crow::HTTPMethod::POST, crow::HTTPMethod::DELETE, crow::HTTPMethod::PATCH, crow::HTTPMethod::SEARCH, crow::HTTPMethod::OPTIONS)
.headers("Content-Type", "Accept-Encoding", "Origin", "Access-Control-Request-Method", "Authorization")
.methods(crow::HTTPMethod::GET, crow::HTTPMethod::POST, crow::HTTPMethod::OPTIONS)
.headers("Content-Type", "Accept-Encoding", "Origin", "Access-Control-Request-Method", "Authentication")
~CORSHandler() = default;
method does not return Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"
but other method works just fine.