> 能不能问一下你的agent是如何部署在k8s中的? 每个pod都外加一个agent? 我是把每一个agent 打到基础镜像里面
名称:Ghoul 地区:中国北京 联系邮箱:[email protected] 使用场景和规模:开发 ShardingSphere 和 database-mesh 控制面,进行容器内调试,目前团队内我个人使用 是否同意作为用户案例展示:是
golang-sdk is done , LOL
something wrong in internal/resources/serviceaccount.go:57, secret name should be serviceAccount.Secrets[0].Name not username
> @ladung yeah, you can build locally with reference to my modification, the build command is ``` docker build -t permission-manager: . ``` i'm already test in my cluster.
> @luigibarbato hi, 1. In which namespace are you deploying the permission manager? namespace is permission-manager 2. What version of kube are you using? v1.20.6 I didn't test on a...