I use TX2 to control the robot to complete SLAM and navigation. During the navigation process, I need to detect several frames of images in a short period of time...
您好, 看到您在文件`Unet.py`中对于网络的训练没有设置验证集, 请问这样会对训练结果有影响吗?
When I use command `roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch` to launch turtlebot, the terminal prints the following information: ``` ... logging to /home/scuimg/.ros/log/6dadad54-9b92-11ea-98f7-4a0c02312ac9/roslaunch-scuimg-nano-18492.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take...
I was a little confused when doing odometer fusion. When using command `roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch` to start kobuki, check the published topic through the command `rostopic list`, I found that...