Will Townes
Will Townes
As in GLM it would be nice to be able to include offset terms to adjust for different exposure time for Poisson variables. Ideally there would be a separate offset...
Hi Drew, I was inspired by your blog post about finding the probabilities of the different digit combinations. I wanted to figure out if there was an advantage to selecting...
In the documentation for variational Gaussian process applied to minibatches (https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/blob/v0.12.1/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/variational_gaussian_process.py#L572), the KL term is rescaled by batch_size/num_training_points_. I assume the reconstruction error term (expected log-likelihood) is not scaled and...
I am trying to re-process the [data from Grun et al 2016](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSM2142263) (a CEL-Seq paper), and I am getting very low counts from kallisto and bustools, which are inconsistent with...
It would be awesome to be able to run sctransform on data that are too big to fit in memory (eg, HDF5 files accessed through something like [DelayedArray](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/HDF5Array.html)). Is this...
As pointed out by https://github.com/willtownes/scrna2019/issues/5 glmpca is returning factors as a data frame instead of a matrix (as the documentation claims), which causes downstream problems converting SingleCellExperiment objects to Seurat....
The glmpca_family object consumes a lot of memory because it preserves the environment where `infograd` and `dev_func` functions are defined. Refactor this code so these functions depend only on their...
The [glmGamPoi package](https://github.com/const-ae/glmGamPoi) has some cool strategies for estimating the negative binomial overdispersion parameter(s). Try to use those ideas to improve accuracy, numerical stability, and speed of nb estimation in...
As a user, I can request that glmpca not try to learn the negative binomial dispersion parameter during optimization by setting a flag in the control parameters. This issue is...
Suggested by Aaron Lun in kstreet13/scry#7 > There's probably some low-hanging fruit with BiocParallelization and DelayedArraying, especially if you can make use of the parallelized crossprod provided by DelayedArray (via...