Results 73 comments of William G Hatch

Not really. I think it would be somewhat difficult to go back (granted - I'm not the original author, and I haven't even done small upgrades for quite a while....

The regression caused by #81 is actually caused by a bug in evil (see for some context), and #115 is actually just a poor man's #81. #81 should be...

I haven't made progress on the evil bug. Too busy in school and working on [rash]( Sorry about that.

I don't think that failure is my fault.

If you try emacs/spacemacs, I also recommend looking at [smartparens](, which is (in my opinion) a little better than paredit. Also check out my little package [on-parens]( that makes it...

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 06:34:26PM -0700, Andrei Mikhailov wrote: >When calling `raco pkg install rash`, it seems that some packages, such as `overeasy` and `mcfly` are downloaded via...

I've gone ahead and split out the demo code into a separate package. This fixes the issue unless you also install that new package. Since the demos should mostly be...

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 02:08:57PM -0700, Andrei Mikhailov wrote: >Thank you ! But, I am surprised that `raco pkg` allows this to happen... Should I file a bug...

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 06:16:49AM -0700, Paulo Matos wrote: >I am starting to have more and more scripts using rash but they are quite flaky in general. Cool!...

Thanks! This looks like a problem more generally with Racket's build system, so I've added an issue to the Racket repository as well: