Will Battel

Results 40 comments of Will Battel

Malcolm, after further discussion, there are two things we would like to come from this discussion: 1. Improvements to documentation regarding dual FIRApp instances in order to more safely perform...

Assuming this improved Swift API is still on the table, I wanted to request structured-concurrency equivalents to asynchronous methods in SDWebImage. For each current method that takes a completion handler...

Yeah it's a bit ridiculous that we can't directly access the tokened URL from the Admin SDK. We want the token feature so we have the ability to revoke, as...

Structural pruning is really important to my team, too. The current zero-weight pruning for compression is nice but we're far more interested in reduced file sizes to be able to...

Any chance we will get support for pruned CNNs on other TFLite delegates? We rely on the NNAPI and CoreML delegates for quick and efficient inference on Android and iOS,...

Hey @nutsiepully thanks for the insight. Would you mind keeping this issue up to date with any changes in status/priority/roadmaps, etc.. regarding this capability moving forward? Thanks!

Has there been any update on this recently, or still just a pipeline dream? 🙃

Hey @morganchen12 could I get your thoughts on this as a short-term solution to #851? I know it will be some time before 851 can be implemented, so as a...

Regardless of my use case, would it not make sense to expose a `phoneNumber` property on the `FUIPhoneAuth` class? It already has an `email` property- so it seems like providing...

Any update on this? We need paging support and changing the query limit isn't feasible because, as you mentioned, the query begins getting very large very quickly. There needs to...