Will Battel

Results 40 comments of Will Battel

Custom metadata would be a big help for many use cases including the one mentioned here. Am I mistaken or would this be a super simple PR?

Thinking about this some more, maybe the best solution from this extension's perspective is simply some additional documentation noting the cold start issue and manually increasing memory as a mitigation...

Looks like they are open to it in principle but are looking to change the mechanism internally this year so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what...

This looks to possibly be a similar or the same issue as reported here: https://github.com/SavageCore/node-ffprobe-installer/issues/121 No solution found yet.

@dconeybe that sounds great. My only question then would be regarding `recursiveDelete`, which can be provided a custom `BulkWriter` instance. What would the expected pattern be in the case of...

Took a screenshot showing how the text notification covers the Next button, requiring the user to either wait a few seconds for the notification to disappear or swiping the notification...

Another option would be to move the Next button to (or add another one) below the "Resend code" label and above the keyboard. I'd still prefer the auto-proceed on code...

Encountering this problem in Google Cloud Functions, 2nd Gen, with Node 20 on Ubuntu 22.04. Discouraging to see how long this seems to have been an issue for people. Given...

Being able to catch hangs and terminations such as low memory would be **awesome**. Leveraging MetricKit in iOS 14+ seems like a no-brainer for Crashlytics. I also wonder if the...

Respectfully, I think it makes sense. An internal error is just that: internal. The client should not be privy to the details of an internal error for a remote resource....