
Results 15 issues of wideweide

参考微信、QQ文档未发现可以直接分享文件的方法,文件比如office文件、压缩文件等等 但有检索到微信可分享文件,搜索了插件相关文档未看到qq插件是否支持分享,求指点: https://blog.csdn.net/a429563011/article/details/52175246

I notice this: https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/pull/6010 but how to auto collapse the toolbar when click toolbar or blur (click editor or other area)? a property to do this,or it there a event...

type: feature
component: ui

### Gogs version 0.12.7 ### Git version - Server: git version 2.37.0.windows.1 - Client: git version 2.37.1.windows.1 ### Operating system windows 10 ### Database SQLite 3 ### Describe the bug...

💊 bug

我最初的需求其实很简单,要在https页面里用iframe嵌套一个http页面,这应该需要一个支持在线代理的工具,把http转换为https, https://myrproxy?url=http://site.com,iframe里直接显示最终页面即可,不需要任何其他代理时的页面元素。 然后就找到了jsproxy,应该是非常适合的,以下理解的不知道对不对,请指教: 1. jsproxy 用于在服务端搭建web服务,提供正向代理 --- 2. jsproxy-browser 为前端代码,也不是在nginx中供调用,浏览器中访问此地址提供链接入口,相关请求在浏览器中反向代理并转发到nginx中 好几个问题没整明白: 1. http转https使用无服务器版,是否直接就可以使用?https://github.com/EtherDream/jsproxy/tree/master/cf-worker 我已经有nginx并且部署了正向代理功能,里边提到通过修改ASSET_URL,就可以使用自己的代理;但index.js怎么部署到自己的nginx呢? 是否还包含其它文件,感觉并不完整 2. jsproxy-browser中有www,proxy,home不确定到底要用哪一个? @EtherDream @qfdk @t123yh

- [x] I have checked that a similar [feature request](https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22feature+request%22) does not already exist. **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** sometimes, make mobile slient, may miss...

**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. try connect websocket then failed many times... WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed **Have a question?** Join the...


## Bug Report #### Steps to reproduce ``` # More video ## video 1 ![video](video/1.mp4 ':include :type=video width=95% controls=controls ') ## video 2 ![video](video/2.mp4 ':include :type=video width=95% controls=controls ') ##...

needs investigation

function SyncFunction(){ var ret; setTimeout(function(){ ret = "hello"; },3000); // may be promise.then(res=>ret=res) while(ret === undefined) { require('deasync').sleep(100); } // returns hello with sleep; undefined without return ret; } //...

https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/wiki/Large-File-Handling just add cm=true...

参考语法为 d=[=normal] 原有按键功能已被映射到其它快捷键,或者希望禁用某个快捷键时,通过上面配置来实现清空快捷键默认的映射功能
