five-server-vscode copied to clipboard
WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
try connect websocket then failed many times...
WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed
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Can you tell me what OS and Browser you use?
Do you use https
Can you tell me what OS and Browser you use?
Do you use
not use https,just ,but in browser console WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed OS: pop! os (ubuntu) ,win11 browser: firefox /chrome
it seems some js error caused the error, some pure html page is work fine. my js has many code , I am not sure which code cause this. at last I found maybe iframe caused ,some code like here:
function load(){
<h1>test iframe </h1>
<iframe id="iT" onload="load()"></iframe>
[Five Server] connecting...
VM428 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM429 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM430 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM431 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM431 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] status check...
VM432 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM433 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM433 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] status check...
VM434 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM435 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM436 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
VM437 fiveserver.js:1 [Five Server] connecting...
I see. Yes the error is from inside the iFrame.
Try to wait for five-server to connect:
function load() {
function run(e) {
console.log('Some JavaScript Code...')
document.getElementById('iT').src = 'examples/0001.html'
// wait for five-server to connect
const five = document.querySelector('[data-id="five-server"]')
if (five) five.addEventListener('connected', run)
window.addEventListener('load', run)
<h1>test iframe</h1>
<iframe id="iT" onload="load()"></iframe>