Wolfgang Hönig
Wolfgang Hönig
How is your optitrack computer connected to the machine that is running crazyflie_ros? I highly recommend using a wired connection and not WiFi. Additionally, I recommend using NatNet instead of...
Any newer official firmware should be fine. Which "operation mode" are you using? I don't recommend using the external position controller in crazyflie_controller (neither for CF2.0 nor CF2.1) - this...
It looks like your logging cache might be stale. Please delete your log*.csv files in your `~/.ros` folder and try again.
Can you run `rosrun crazyflie_tool listLogVariables --uri radio://0/100/2M/E7E7E7E701` and check if `acc.x` is listed there?
The high-level land command doesn't take a desired yaw as input (and rather uses the current yaw as goal orientation), see https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware/blob/master/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_high_level.c#L324. Could you perhaps share the following: 1. Which...
The motionCommander uses the low-level commands (velocity commands), it seems. So this is likely a bug in the high-level mode. I'll need to test this (hopefully sometime next week).
Yes - it's essentially a factor. So 1.0 means "real-time", a number less than 1 makes the execution faster, and a number larger than 1 makes it slower.
Did you test with "hybrid trajectories" (lateral and yaw movement simultaneously?)
For A*, the algorithm is correct. For CBS (and related variants), you are correct that they do not terminate if no solution exist. This is also the case in the...
Do you manually send data to the cmd_vel topic? I remember that the firmware used to have a thrust lock, where the motors would only spin if you initially send...