Wolfgang Hönig
Wolfgang Hönig
By default, the attitude controller uses desired angles in deg for roll, pitch, and rate for yaw. You can change this behavior using parameters (see https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware/blob/master/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_rpyt.c#L226-L228). Yes, logging only affects...
Drop: Are you seeing this issue flying a single CF, or multiple? This kind of behavior is hard to diagnose, because it can be either a radio problem, a state...
If you disabled logging, then you shouldn't be able to subscribe to the imu topic (this data comes from the logging framework). It really just seems to me like a...
Your launch file looks fine to me. As you said, the controller node executes at 100 Hz and operates independently of your Simulink output. I am a bit confused about...
Are you using a virtual machine, or anything else that could dramatically impact performance on your PC? Is Simulink running on the same computer, or a different one?
Can you check your CPU utilization (htop), and also verify that the topics are published at the desired rate (e.g., rostopic hz cmd_vel)? It is strange, but it seems like...
That example uses an off-board position controller that I don't recommend for new experiments. Instead, you can use the on-board EKF and controller. The documentation in crazyflie_ros lacks behind on...
1. No need to change `external_pose_vicon.launch`. You can simply run it and in a second terminal window execute `test_high_level.py`. 2. You can use one of the telop launch files, or...
You can use the goTo function (https://github.com/whoenig/crazyflie_ros/blob/master/crazyflie_demo/scripts/crazyflie.py#L45-L47), or plan a trajectory that executes your behavior (helper scripts are in https://github.com/whoenig/uav_trajectories).
Could you share your test script? If you use broadcasts for takeoff, then there could have been simply a packet loss. In the crazyswarm, we greatly reduce the probability of...