
Results 7 comments of whnr

For the time being, try this as a one liner in the terminal of your choice: tmp=$(mktemp -t tmp-vcard-XXXXXX.yaml); cp short.yaml $tmp; vim $tmp; khard add -i $tmp; rm $tmp...

After consulting https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350 I assume… - Custom vCard fields. They should all be named something like `X-foobar` and it should be safe. see section [6.10](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350#section-6.10) - missing fields: the minimal...

Here are more examples from https://tipp10.de I like the overview of characters with the split between *target errors* (should have been pressed) and *errors* (was wrongly pressed) ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8114817/117557314-8c683580-b03f-11eb-9f90-07d971780855.png) ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8114817/117557328-a86bd700-b03f-11eb-83cb-062252c2ed65.png)

Can now be fixed with xclip .13 that has an option to remove the last newline. owever this version of xclip is not avalilable in any package manager yet https://github.com/astrand/xclip/issues/7

I can confirm this. I'm using Linux 5.2.9-arch1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 16 11:29:43 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux.Sometimes on Wayland sometimes on X.

@shawaj I just tried to boot a RPi Zero W with @hifiberry DAC+ Zero According to their [configuring linux](https://support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/articles/205377651-Configuring-Linux-4-x-or-higher) article you linked above the [Hifiberry Dac+ Zero](https://www.hifiberry.com/shop/boards/hifiberry-dac-zero/) needs to be...

Will it be totally breaking or is the intention to be able to migrate data from v1 to v2?