Lee Whitney
Lee Whitney
@ajoslin things seem to be getting a little crazy here. Having foundational mobile functionality for Angular depend on JQM seems like a bad idea. The dependency is too large, many...
Even without the jqm style sheet, I think angular-jqm is not a good foundation to build on. Why reimplement functionality that is already being built and maintained in angular-ui like...
That's all very helpful information thank you. Nice project. Wonder if the five second delay makes it impractical to use with the light switch. For example imagine you're walking into...
That makes sense. It's a shame they don't enable a more efficient / lower response time way to handle events because it seems the practical use cases could expand quite...
Ok, if it's not actually needed that's great, but part of the benefit of this is to also remove it from the tutorials. Once your first tutorial step becomes one...
Thanks man, I'll get it in as soon as I can. Regards
very cool, thanks-
For 1.2b, should the default options be changed to match the default options in iScroll5? From the example, it looks like the defaults are var ngiScroll_opts = { mouseWheel: true...
Another thing that would make this nice is that the built in iOS8 UIBlurEffect still does not have an animatable radius. Search continues...
Here's why this is broken: Chrome has started supporting ontouch events in all versions of the browser so the existing check for mobile does not work anymore and always returns...