
Results 10 issues of white

@xuannianz Excellent work. I have encounter such problems in training process. 2189/2250 [============================>.] - ETA: 27s - loss: 4.96312020-03-09 17:47:41 [INFO] [Thread-6] [geos.py:219] Self-intersection at or near point 507.97936313701194 440.22383226394601...

@divamgupta I have tried many models to train from scratch with pascal voc 2012 datasets. However, I could not get a good trained model to segment the image. Is there...

wanghz@S822lc1:~/ocr_recognition/recaptcha$ python ocr_train.py ocr_train.py:212: DeprecationWarning: mxnet.model.FeedForward has been deprecated. Please use mxnet.mod.Module instead. magnitude=2.34)) [20:57:11] /home/asiainfo/mxnet/dmlc-core/include/dmlc/./logging.h:308: [20:57:11] src/operator/./slice_channel-inl.h:198: Check failed: ishape[real_axis] == static_cast(param_.num_outputs) (3000 vs. 30) If squeeze axis is...

hi @yuanyuanli85 您好 我在coco2014数据集测试人体骨骼点,使用了refinenet.py定义的模型函数build_network_resnet101,训练时,loss有所下降。但是在验证时候,人体骨骼点没检测出来。不知何故?

@shinjayne Thanks a lot for your implementation and contribution! First of all, I like the way you write program. I spent couple days to read your programs. However, there are...

@princewang1994 Thanks for your excellent implementation. I have tried vgg16 backbone. However, I suppose the resnet50 backbone is better than vgg16 in this case. How to support resnet50 backbone in...

@carver Could you please give me some clues how to make use of pyHTM in practical program? A simple example is appreciated. Thanks a lot

Thanks for your contribution. I have downloaded the code and run it ok for 8 letters recognition. However, Something happened when I recode your code to recognize 14 or more...

@calclavia I read spatial_pooler.py, and cannot understand line 95, delta = tf.einsum('ij,ik,jk->jk', x_shifted, y, self.connection) / batch_size. what is the mechanism of computing delta p based on x, y and...