Jared Whiklo
Jared Whiklo
Sounds good, I am also off today. But otherwise I am pretty flexible with my time. On 3 Jul 2017 11:02 a.m., "Mark Jordan" wrote: > @whikloj yes, totally. >...
Also, quasi-related could the logging level be configurable? I'd like to throw some debug level messages in that you'd only need to see it if something is going wrong.
@mjordan I'm good with verbosity more verbosity.
:man_facepalming: I'm good with _more_ verbosity
@mjordan I can't run your tests in PHP 7 (in a clean git clone phpunit explodes) and for my class I'm using PSR-4 which requires altering the composer.json autoload section....
I think the problem I am having is that the tests don't use the namespaced version of the classes. Is that what you mean @MarcusBarnes by the older version?
@MarcusBarnes yep 6.2.2
So here is what I am going to do, I'll work on migrating some of the tests to work with PHPUnit 6.2.2. I'll leave this in a separate branch on...
@mjordan that is a good question, that is the same version I am running maybe its the inputvalidator exclusion that causes mine to explode
@mjordan actually its because there are no tests executed https://travis-ci.org/MarcusBarnes/mik/jobs/247984075#L242 https://travis-ci.org/MarcusBarnes/mik/jobs/247984075#L253