Jared Whiklo
Jared Whiklo
### Context Issue #363 When checking for errors in a `curl_multi` I pull the effective url to log with the error. ```php $url = curl_getinfo($curl_handles[$x], CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL); ``` Which currently fails...
In a curl multihandle I use this curlinfo option to get the current handle's URL. It appears relatively easy to fix, but I'm also very new to php-vcr.
We are using stomp-php with Drupal through the [Islandora](https://github.com/islandora/islandora) stack and have hit an issue. When an attempt to send a message fails, it leaves the StatefulStomp client with an...
My difficulty with MIK is that while it says you can configure and add/remove parts. In fact much is required by the code and so there is a lot of...
This is more of a testing issue but I have found that due to static caches like (https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/blob/master/src/fetchers/Csv.php#L81) the PHPUnit tests are not starting cleanly. It might be useful to...
Related to the commented out test in [XCsvCompoundToolchainTest](https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/blob/master/tests/XCsvCompoundToolchainTest.php#L167-L183) I'm assuming that the test metadata record is wrong, but here is what I am seeing. [Here](https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/blob/master/tests/XCsvCompoundToolchainTest.php#L164) you start writing the packages...
The `getRecords()` function of the `Fetcher` class, says [it is optional](https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/blob/master/src/fetchers/Fetcher.php#L89) so I think the `null` default used in the [Csv](https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/blob/master/src/fetchers/Csv.php#L77) implementation should be added in the `Fetcher` class function...
Just wondering how you felt about relative file locations? Especially for logs and the like? I see you specify your log location directly from the settings file in several locations...
In `Stomp\Protocol\Protocol` the methods for transaction `BEGIN`, `COMMIT` & `ABORT` commands all allow `null` for the transaction ID. https://github.com/stomp-php/stomp-php/blob/master/src/Protocol/Protocol.php#L161 https://github.com/stomp-php/stomp-php/blob/master/src/Protocol/Protocol.php#L174 https://github.com/stomp-php/stomp-php/blob/master/src/Protocol/Protocol.php#L187 This seems to violate the Stomp specification which says...