
Results 5 issues of wetterfrosch

Title should be self-explaining. The idea behind is to inform about expectable icons of a value's thresholds in its tooltip. Colouring would be nice of course, but not that mandatory.

Fancy plugin! I wonder if it is possible to hook the values I get via ctrl.series[0].stats.current to represent the value of that series corresponding to the currently "hovered" timestamp, as...

help wanted

a little collection/notes on stuff trying to get things towards grafana 7: ### six v1.13.0 ``` Successfully built grafanimate ERROR: mozrunner 8.2.1 has requirement six=1.13.0, but you'll have six 1.11.0...

I sometimes wish to read the sole/raw value in a map than a sized circle. Of coure features may apply, like: - font-size (static or depending on value) - range-mappings...

When looking at a [nominatim](https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/api/Reverse/) sample [response](https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=jsonv2&lat=-34.44076&lon=-58.70521) I am keen to key:value pairs like "category":"highway" and "type":"motorway". Seems like [line 44 in geo.py](https://github.com/panodata/luftdatenpumpe/blob/master/luftdatenpumpe/geo.py) would that be the place to add...