
Results 11 comments of wetterfrosch

Not taking the power-aspects into account I want to make a remark from the meteorological point of view: The BME280 creates some noteworthy self-heating of around ~ 1°C in MODE_NORMAL,...

I just stumbled upon a view showing what happens "if you're doin' it wrong!": In this sketch (done in C) I set to FORCED-mode /after/ connecting to WLAN. Then I...

No wonder, if you sat at the same time that desk, too ;) Jep, I think the during-that-period-always-on-CPU-temperature played it role there, too. When I find a moment I'll try...

Coloring of GeoJSON-elements based on data-series' values would be great! Although I love the heat-map function, too, this would definitely enable a better view on values valid for areas/ploygons. Great...

I would be in, too. I would prefer some WebRTC/Jitsi. We're talking about 18:30 MEST?

I suggest ("dummy-esk") http://meet.jit.si/pyhon_dwd as a WebRTC/Jitsi-meeting-place. If this one struggles, I'll suggest an alternative. Please use a Chromium/non-Firefox-Browser, as far as I know some issues with Firefox might (still)...

correct my self: meet.jit.si seems to work! I suspect that this server has issues (at least a test with two differently connected clients right now fails), but this one seems...

And where should the information about "which local time it is" come from? In my opinion: Either send a correct (UTC) timestamp or send _no time_ stamp (and let the...

I like the idea, I am currently ending up here thus my need is that I simply want to get all iteration-steps /values in between of the reduce()-function and not...

@affo If you say so! Thanks ... but I think I may assume that a "map with state" is not yet available, too, or?