Results 276 comments of Johannes Weiss

CC @Lukasa / @hassila sorry, just a quick blurb here to have a place to discuss when the time comes.

@AMatecki are you exporting SwiftNIO types or functions as public API in _your framework_? I would assume no and if that's the case, can you try `@_implementationOnly import NIO`? We...

@AMatecki Right. So right now, SwiftNIO's primary and only distribution mechanism is as a SwiftPM package and SwiftPM right now only supports source distribution. SwiftNIO also doesn't guarantee an ABI...

@AMatecki just to be clear: What you're doing is unsupported but given that you're using it in tests that may be fine. It's unsupported because you're relying on a stable...

@AMatecki sounds great! Just to be sure: If you were to use Xcode's package support you shouldn't need to change anything in your build pipeline. `xcodebuild test` should just work...

@AMatecki got it, thank you!

@AMatecki thanks for reporting back! Glad you got it fixed, we'll try to make an effort to support this better (without making stuff `public`).

@6epreu You should be able to get this to work if you do `@_implementationOnly import GRPC...` instead of just `import GRPC...` and you should build NIO & GRPC not in...

@6epreu very cool! Thanks for reporting back!