Jannis Weis

Results 49 issues of Jannis Weis

## Description When changing settings the information popup blocks the navigation bar which is very frustrating if one wants to experiment with the settings. ## Rationale Having to wait for...

Because they are rasterised the image isn't regenerated once the colours change. This only affects icons in native menus (e.g. the menu bar).


Hiding the footer or search field causes the ui to visibly freeze. This is due to the whole menu being rebuild on changes to these settings.

help wanted

### Before Submitting Your Feature Request - [X] Check that there isn't already a similar feature request to avoid creating a duplicate. - [X] I have seen the [FAQ](https://github.com/p0deje/Maccy?tab=readme-ov-file#faq). ###...


Just wanted to ask what the state of the project is? Do you plan to work on new features or is it in some "maintenance only" state?

If child components have e.g. the `fillx` constraint and also visualPaddings specified the child may be layed out outside the parents bounds. This results in e.g. focus rings not be...

This is basically the same request as #677 but coming from a different angle. I don't like how the image preview from telegram takes up the entire screen. I would...

Browser: Safari 17.3.1 (19617. `undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.timeline')` is thrown in `playState` of `proxy-animation.js`. In my case this happens by navigating to a linked pdf file navigating...

It would be great to have the option to delete files from the folder in the drive which aren't present locally when uploading. This would make it possible to effectively...

Add a module info descriptor and setup maven to compile it using Java 9. All remaining sources are still compiled with Java 8 compatibility. I wasn't sure about which module...