Jannis Weis

Results 49 issues of Jannis Weis

We need to convert the old components to the new module system. A module consists of three parts: - The module itself which inherits from `DefaultApplicationModule`. - The view for...

Priority: High
Type: Maintenance

Currently icons are either `16x16` or `24x24`. For high resolution screens this isn’t an appropriate resolution anymore. Replacing the current icons with svg version solves this issue and will allow...

good first issue
Priority: Low
Type: Enhancement

This is an implementation of the [draft](https://github.com/MyLibreLab/MyLibreLab/issues/68#issuecomment-707146871) from #68. It uses the changes from #84 , #83, #82 and #81. This is the relevant code ````java @AppModule public class CounterModule...

[Darklaf](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf) supports [automatic darkmode detection](https://github.com/weisJ/darklaf/wiki/LafManager#settings-monitoring) on Widows and macOS. However for it to reliably work on macOS the applications `info.plist` file needs to contain ```` NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance = false ```` as...

help wanted
Priority: Low
Type: Enhancement

The editor view is probably the most difficult and work intensive part to rewrite. Currently a graph approach is used. This I’d like to keep as it is the most...

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement
Type: Maintenance

Package names are a complete mess currently. We should move forward with creating all new source files in appropriate packages. The base package would be `com.github.mylibrelab`. To make transition easier...

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement
Type: Maintenance

Currently the GUI is build using the netbeans gui-builder which limits the choice of IDE for people working with the code. Although the application will run fine in any other...

Priority: Low
Type: Enhancement
Type: Maintenance

When using `removeUnusedImports()` with Jdk 14 `autostyleApply` fails when using the new switch-expression syntax. This is because the default version of google-java-format does not support the new syntax. It would...

The eclipse CDT formatted hasn’t been up to the standard of newer c++ versions for some time. e.g it has a hard time to parse angles brackets around template arguments,...