Waldek Maleska

Results 40 comments of Waldek Maleska

See also https://github.com/raymontag/keepassc/issues/59

@chubin Of course, I'll do my best to test it out.

I just tried and I don't see the complaint about `xsel` anymore (there's one about dependency on `rlwrap` but that's luckily available via Homebrew). It still doesn't seem to work...

I've hit the same problem. A bit of background: The way I've been setting up the runners so far was to avoid using `gitlab-runner register` command entirely, instead doing the...

Details of my environment: ``` $ docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 19.03.5 API version: 1.40 Go version: go1.12.12 Git commit: 633a0ea Built: Wed Nov 13 07:22:34 2019...

I quite appreciate how Gitlab people implemented it Gitlab CI: * [include](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#include) * [extends](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#extends) which results in [#using-extends-and-include-together](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#using-extends-and-include-together) But even with a simple merge of multiple configs could be helpful...

Hello, I've just checked again. Sorry for a false alert (again), it does seem to work if you use `remove_other_approval_rules` (although I was 99.99% sure I tested that with this...

I know now what happened: what I was initially trying to achieve is reset the approvals to this single "Any eligible user" group I tried that by providing: ``` projects_and_groups:...

> Do I get it right that you want to keep the default "Any eligible user" rule with "Approvals required" set to approvals_before_merge value and not add the Approvers (configured...

How I got to the desired state was to remove all custom rules set and then set 1 in the UI for the built-in. The built-in rule is tricky; it...