Duo Wang

Results 13 comments of Duo Wang

@smartkiwi @kashif @ezyang @djsutherland Can you help me?

@datumbox When I was training, I called [DB/backbones/resnet.py L298](https://github.com/MhLiao/DB/blob/9505b9d8f884a58fe90b884ce239a37f3b1cf404/backbones/resnet.py?_pjax=%23js-repo-pjax-container%2C%20div%5Bitemtype%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fschema.org%2FSoftwareSourceCode%22%5D%20main%2C%20%5Bdata-pjax-container%5D#L298),and then replaced L55 and L126 with `from torchvision.ops import DeformConv2d as ModulatedDeformConv`。 Please help me take a look. If you need...

Because the original code in the DB uses the cuda version of dcn and I only have a CPU, I want to use the dcn operator in torchvision.

@Ixiaohuihuihui Hi, I test imgs use your codes. However the render results is bad. Do you know the reason of this cases? Thanks.

How to convert it into online processing?

> How to convert it into online processing? Can you give some guidance?

@Puzer I have the same question. Looking forward to your reply!

The solution is to convert multi-class labels to binary labels.