SAF CLI should be able to interact with the Heimdall API. ex. upload files to an existing Heimdall server (as oppoosed to `saf view heimdall` that launches one locally): `saf...
Would be helpful if inspec_tools could take InSpec results JSONs and put them in a CSV table, with one row for each control(/test?) including the result. I have had sponsors...
The README's link for the Main Variables Wiki Page seems to be broken. Trying to click that link in the README just redirects to the main wiki page, with a...
Signed-off-by: Will Dower
Need to clean up the comparison table, which now seems to be out of date.
Heimdall should report the `status` and `status_message` of loaded HDF in the summary info so that users can tell if there's been an issue like an invalid target. At present,...
Most use cases for Heimdall (especially pipeline integrations via the API) can benefit from having a team as a logical unit for RBAC purposes. For example, a an app's CI/CD...
If you use match_pam_rule with all_with_X_args , on a module that is not actually defined in a rule, it will return a false positive true. Ex. ``` $> inspec exec...
The `only_applicable_if` function seems to be generating profile errors instead of the expected `skip`s. # Describe the problem With the following tests: ``` control "testing only_applicable_if" do impact 0.5 title...
We should add an optional ARG to the Dockerfile for the paths to certificates that should be added to the SAF CLI when built.