I got some more notices on another form: > Notice: Undefined index: cforms2_count_field_19 in [mypath]/plugins/cforms2/lib_validate.php on line 489 when I put this condition in line 488: `if (!$custom && isset($cformsSettings['form'...
ok, coming back to this issue, in current version 15.0.3. I solved it by changing lines 422-431 in lib_validate.php to: ``` if (!$custom && isset($cformsSettings['form' . $no]['cforms' . $no ....
If possible I'd prefer a checkbox in calendar app (for each calendar) if a linked task listed should be generated/shown or not. We use many calendars that should work as...
@TruputiGalvotas a user dropdown would be awesome, but the category solution doesn't fit for bigger teams. I think instead of a dropdown the Nextcloud typical text input with auto suggestions...
Hi ray, getting more into github is on my todo list, need some time, too. The idea of using the topic id was that the function bbp_get_topic_id() only exists if...
Hi ray, testing your changes: This leads to an Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_get_the_topic_id() in /[...]/buddypress-group-email-subscription/bp-activity-subscription-functions.php on line 1135. Using my code from above works together with your...
Hi ray, sorry for the confusion, I'm using bbPress 2.3 - I forgot to remove my manually added ass_topic_follow_or_mute_link() in my bbPress template. Ok, so far it's working now (didn't...
updating this issue: now with bbPress 2.5, the bbPress forums have a build-in notifications function, not only for replies if subscribed but also for new topics if subscribed to complete...
Hi ray, oh I didn't meant to remove the 'All Mail' option, but to remove the disabling of the bbPress functions with it. When 'All Mail' is checked, the subscribe...