Will Brickner

Results 29 issues of Will Brickner

Hello! It's me again! I've been optimizing `eant2`, mostly just minor stuff like amortizing allocations and increasing cache hits, parallelism, etc. The real meat of the work of eant2 is...

Hi! ## Cloning I'm trying to use the `Plot` and `Line` API. This requires that I consume my data by value, I'd much rather keep a cached copy & provide...


I've used qlstephen before on another Mac, and I know there's a theme option. I can't seem to find anything about it on the entire internet. Is there any secret...

Hello, running the compute example: View full code ```rust use emu_core::prelude::*; use emu_glsl::*; use zerocopy::*; #[repr(C)] #[derive(AsBytes, FromBytes, Copy, Clone, Default, Debug, GlslStruct)] struct Shape { x: u32, y: u32,...

Hello, (I believe) there exist highly parallel marching cubes implementations, some of which may utilize the GPU. Is this something that's feasible to integrate with ImplicitCAD? I'd like to generate...


Hello, I've been using the RSI indicator provided by `ta`. Using the RSI indicator, I compute some higher level indicators, their form is not important here. I wanted to verify...

Hello, I'm a newbie to Chrono and to legitimate physical simulation in general. I want to model vibrations in air produced by a moving body, or potentially of vibrations in...

Hey! I'd like to be able to create an async reader / async writer and then plug it straight into `rmp_serde`. The current functions `from_read` have a trait bound `Read`,...

I love using `rmp_serde`, great work. I'm interested in very high-performance client-server interactions. One thing that bothers me about `rmp_serde` is that allocation is forced for each serialization (`to_vec` internally...

Hello, I'd like to dynamically use different sizes of a 3D tensor based on how much device memory (video ram, regular ram, fpga memory, etc) is available at one time....