Will Brickner

Results 41 comments of Will Brickner

LLVM's PGO is what is relied on here, and it should be unable to reduce the dynamic dispatch overhead. My understanding is that PGO is able to reorder / change...

Ok so I'm going to use this issue to continue our discussion over from `eant2` now that my work primarily concerns GPU acceleration of CMA-ES. I'm almost finished, and there...

Another option is to fork into two crates which maintain the same public API, `cmaes_cpu` and `cmaes_arrayfire` or something, and then `cmaes` just publishes everything from one of the two...

I'd like to reenable chrome codesignature after uninstallation (didn't work out for me), is this possible or do I need to do a clean install of chrome?

Update: confirmed, displaying a small subset of my data (~2%, not more than a few hundred kb of floats) causes frame rate to become unusable on release + LTO-fat build,...

Ok after reviewing the repo locally, the story is a little more complicated. The original thinking was that because everything is immediate mode, there can never be any non-trivial borrowing...

Weird! I see that you are setting the copy destination flag correctly. Following the execution from `.as_device_boxed_mut()` above: https://github.com/calebwin/emu/blob/9fe3db33b1e19063e227e753c5c48677cd37439d/emu_core/src/device.rs#L260-L302 Any idea what the issue is?

Update: removing the ```rust shapes.set(vec![ Shape { x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100, r: [2, 9] }; 1024 ])?; ``` eliminates the error, and things always complete successfully....

Ok, here's the problem: https://github.com/calebwin/emu/commit/80a28e78e651c7c02410238dcb654000ad9772ba#diff-c42b8503ace5f383ffbc7c9f91463d31dc54fc36b2d3974c49a3e2fc434024e9R331-R337 when setting, the existing staging buffer is discarded and replaced with a new staging buffer, which is created with the usage flag `COPY_SRC`. Adding to...

Needed to look this back up. Is there a compelling reason not to enable this parallelism by default?