Davinci Resolve has a tool called cut scene detection that can import timecode from EDL files or a proprietary format, in order to cut a video for better editing. The...
My version of Windows is in Spanish, so my input path has the word "imágenes". It doesn't like the tick in the "a". This window displays all messages that are...
since 1.8.x upscaler is not working. I got this 01-04-2023 03:53:09] [general] HasSdUpscalers - Has ESRGAN: True - Has GFPGAN: True - Has Codeformer: True [01-04-2023 03:53:09] [general] SetState(PostProcessing) [01-04-2023...
Pregunto porque capas no es tan complicado de hacer. La posibilidad de mantener el precio original cuando un juego esta en oferta, sin que lo actualice con los impuestos. Ya...
Shouldn't there be an option to move deleted files into the bin/trashcan? Sometimes I accidentally delete the wrong file haha.
Hello, well, I try to explain this in the best way my english allow me. I made an infusion altar from thaumcraft entirely of arcane stone, and it work fine....