when is this beeing fixed? its 2023 now? elementor breaks all the pages its adding something like a footer. I cannot write text with normal editor without it being reformated...
i would also like to have the possibility to import bookmarks I have millions of them, and i keep installing other browser or continue using ff because i cannot import...
you should accept that umbrel is going closed source locking out the community. Soon you will find some abos und bullshit to buy. Get lost umbrel, its really sad what...
hi rockstar, you wont get an answer from umbrel, they just care about nothing probaly jst interessted to sell their umbrel home Nodes. I would suggest you to move off...
my lnd is also down after update to lnd 17.4-**w** version or whatever it is called. `2024-03-19 12:40:45.123 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: waiting to start, RPC services not available`
same here, applied 8GB on Proxmox Hypervisor, Umbrel shows 8.6GB
hey, they wont care about such things, look through the issues, a lots of tracking bullshit that is not need, and could be solved differentlym but they dont remove it
they want to track you, privacy is not their goal
nobody umbrel is answering anymore. Umbrel doesnt care about users anymore, They rather concentrate on fancy apps in umbrel store and to sell their umbrel computers. Thats what happens when...
Additional info. I've been talking to ntfy devs and we checked the server deployment of mine, they say my server setup is correct. They said I should reach out to...