jiawen wang

Results 94 issues of jiawen wang

Hi, The original geom_density of both R ggplot2 and plotnine looks weired, becaue it's a polygon. geom_density_line looks well, the only difference is that the geom draws a ridgeline (line...


Hi, The following code save the transparent background. p = ggplot(res,aes(x='date',y='Price',fill='Company'))+geom_tile(aes(width=0.95,height=0.95)) p.save("market.pdf") How to set the backgound in white color ?

Hi, Does plotnine support (or plan to support) sankey plot now ? which is like in https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/sankey-diagram.html https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggalluvial/vignettes/ggalluvial.html


Dear, Does plotnine support swarmplot, which equals to seaborn.swarmplot or beeswarm in ggplot2 ?


when n_genes is set to a value (such as 2000), and pts=True, then sc.tl.rank_genes_groups will compute the fraction of cells expressing the genes, but the output includes all the genes,...

Bug 🐛
Needs info❔

Dear, Is there a function that returns mean expression and percentage of each gene in a cluster ? scanpy.api.pl.dotplot() includes these information implicitly, so perhaps it's the easiest way to...

Don't sorted label_rankge keys according to issues https://github.com/scverse/squidpy/issues/560#issuecomment-1152842944

Hi, when I plot leiden clusters with sc.pl.spatial(adata[adata.obs['sample']=="C8"],library_id="C8",color=['n_genes_by_counts','leiden']), the color of each leiden cluster became disordered. There are 3 samples (C6, C7, C8) in my anndata object and was clustered...

bug :bug:

when I use sq.pl.ligrec to plot the interaction, the axis wasn't ordered by leiden number, but by dict order. I changed the order of the leiden categories by: ```python adata.obs['leiden']...

enhancement :sparkles:

Hi, Does sq.pl.ligrec support plots similar to cellphoneDB ? Because when there are many clusters, the interaction plot generated will be very large and hard to save and to see....

plot :hibiscus: