Wang Fenjin
Wang Fenjin
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TODO: impl this function after duckdb support it _Originally posted by @wangfenjin in
According to #65 , I found out that the released asset from duckdb repo is different from our bundled release, as they might use different flags. eg. [windows]( It will...
Currently [duckdb c api]( doesn't support all data types, also the duckdb_value_* and duckdb_bind_* methods are not complete. We need to: - [ ] Support duckdb_bind_* api - [ ]...
1. XX 语言的 ORM 加载报错? > 这个库是一个标准的 SQLite FTS5 拓展,理论上与具体的语言无关。如果你依赖的 ORM 或者其他语言的封装有问题,请自行 debug。如果要问问题,请贴上完整的错误日志或者 SQL 语句。 examples 目录下有几种常见语言的例子,欢迎提 PR 加更多例子。 2. 为什么不能指定主键?这个 SQL 为什么报错? > 这个库是一个标准的 SQLite FTS5 拓展,语法需要满足 SQLite 标准的语法。加载这个扩展只是给...