# File with contributions from @chinacoolboyzz. Worked great on 10.14.5 iMac. Thanks! `#!/bin/sh thiscommand=$0 # change for debug purposes CoreDisplayLocation="/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreDisplay.framework/Versions/A/CoreDisplay" # for development # CoreDisplayLocation="/Users//Desktop/CoreDisplay" # Current CoreDisplay md5 Checksum...
Same issue here (as original post). Dangit man :(. Let's hope I figure out a hack.
Me as well. Is anyone monitoring this? Not many resources to accomplish this and this one seems to be my only found hope. Myself, I'm needing the date and time...
iOS won't report image date/time or file size for images out of the gallery. Exif seems to be the only way to get that info.
Please do!!!
Just a little snippet of code. I was able to do away with the module by accessing "uprightHeight" and then seeing if I had to do special manipulation for Android....